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Word Search Puzzles
Kids Circle (freebies galore)

Circle A Word! Get excited with our freebies galore of free printable word search puzzles. Word search puzzles basically require just the ability to find letter patterns in a layout of random These puzzles basically require just the ability to find letter patterns in a layout of random letters in rows & columns.

magnifying glass for Kids Circle Word Search Puzzles

About Our Puzzles

Our puzzles are based on themes, such as geography, food, animals, seasons, hobbies, and more. We thoughtfully selected themes that your youngster would likely enjoy. They range from easy start to more advanced. The words may be hidden in any direction, including horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and forwards and backwards. A pencil is recommended to circle each word found.

The Benefits


Word search puzzles helps strengthen a child's visual perception and letter discrimination. They help improve spelling too. These puzzles can improve vocabulary, however, to solve them doesn't require a child to have an extensive vocabulary. These puzzles basically require just the ability to find letter patterns in a layout of random letters in rows & columns. They range from an easy start to more advanced for older children.

Using Our Puzzles


Occasionally, we will remove and add new word search puzzles on this web page. So please check back with us from time to time.

These word search puzzles are free for personal use. They may not be sold or reproduced 
in any 
salable form. They may not be used for promotional or marketing purposes. They may not be published elsewhere on the internet.Teachers are welcome to print these puzzles in quantity for classroom distribution.

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