Guarantee Policy
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Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee...we want you to be happy! We stand very much behind our products, craftsmanship, services, and you, our customer, and are proud to offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all our products. Each item is hand inspected not once but twice for quality and accuracy before it is shipped to you. When you receive your order, please inspect it carefully to verify that all items meet your expectations. If you or your gift recipient is not fully satisfied with your gift because lack in quality or inaccuracies we made, or if your gift is defective or damaged, you may return it for a prompt refund.
See our Return/Exchange Policy for more details. Understandably, items personalized, customized or custom-made that includes personalized details, such as a name or birth year with customer error, cannot be accepted for an exchange or refund.

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